Hardy's Blog
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Friday, November 20, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
McKinley_Megan_Researching and Blogging about Web 2.0 Tools 3

Zinepal Solutions Inc. (2008-2009). Zinepal. Now you are the editor. Retrieved November 8, 2009, from http://www.zinepal.com/
BL10_2009112_Reasearching and Blogging about Web 2.0 tools
Some how lost my extra post about this site. www.artpad.art.com It is an interactive site where students can engage and play with art skills and when you are done it will show you all of the strokes and things you did to complete the picture. You can paint, splash paint on, etc. You can view the gallery and share your pictures as well.
- HardyReeves said...
I really like Google Books-I found it by accident one day and thought, "Wow! This place is great!" The only problem is that sections of the book are missing so that a student wouldn't be able to sit and read through the entire book online. I also thought that this would be a great way to check student fluency or my thoughts were just to have students look up books to read in the class and see if they're interested in them before they check them out. Thanks for bringing this site to all of our attention.
BP9_2009112_Web 2.0#3

Today’s education system is made up of students who love math, language, phys ed, music and art. In most cases, wherever a students’ passion falls, they have an outlet available to them that allows them to express their interests. If you love phys ed you can join a sports team, if you love math you can become a mathlete, etc.
Sketchfu is an online application that allows budding artists to express themselves. Providing an online outlet to share their work with others. Not only does this forum allow the students to practice their talents, but they also are able to put their work on display and vulnerable for critique.
This tool could be used in a number of different ways in the classroom. Students could break into groups, and each group be assigned a different story to read. Once the story is read, each member of the group could be in charge of creating a picture that is associated with a part of the story. Groups will have to work together to make sure that all images associated with the story are cohesive, and match the overall theme of the story.
Art teachers could utilize this tool to hold contests on which student can create the most unique and engaging picture.
- HardyReeves said...
Hey T.~
I was looking at this site last week and really just loved the play function and being able to watch how the artwork came to be. I was thinking this would be an awesome way for those of us (me) who aren't able to draw all that great be able to demonstrate to students how someone goes about drawing/painting. I also thought it was a great way to have students collaborate and learn to work together in a fun way.
Hardy- November 10, 2009 8:41 PM
This site is awesome! I just tried it by having it pull my blogs from here and boom 30 seconds no joke it was ready! I can see my students working together on a classroom blog creating short stories, adding images, and then either printing them out or posting the pdf file on our classroom site for people to download at home. THANK YOU for this site sooo bookmarked (and will be on delicious soon too!)