Screenshot by Hardy Reeves
Edmodo (2009). Edomodo.com. Education 2.0 - Edmodo - Free private social platform for education. Retrieved November 2, 2009, from http://www.edmodo.com/
I chose to evaluate edmodo as my Web 2.0 tool. I had heard about edmodo from a previous class and had setup an account to see what it was about and hadn't worked with it since September.
Going back to edmodo I have found it to be similar to our own FSO site. I am able to post assignments, have specific sections of students, allow students to interact with their classmates, and send out grades. What I really enjoyed about this website is it's ease of use. I tried out both sides of the site, teacher and student. The teacher side is very intuitive and there are many FAQ's that help work through any issues you may have. Also, there is a feed on the teacher page that shows answers to questions or posts about how to use edmodo better. On the student side, adding my class and posting assignments was very easy.
I will start using this site on Thursday with my homeroom class. They will start off by just setting up their own page and adding a comment to our class page. After that, I will start adding assignments students will need to complete. I have the ability to add documents for them to download and work on, sites for them to visit, and add a poll (or mini-quiz) for students to complete online. I envision setting it up similar to our own FSO and having students turn in work through it while in the computer lab and if they have the capability at home. While this tool is available to enhance student learning, it will not be the only way for them to turn in work. The possibilities edmodo open up are endless, but the main goal for incorporating it with my students is teaching them how to interact with this type of tool and open up their world to what they are capable of accomplishing.
I'm gonna have to check this site out. I really want to do some online activities with my students as well! Looks great Hardy.