Screenshot image by Hardy Reeves
Woopid Video Tutorials. (2009). Woopid. Retrieved November 8, 2009 from www.woopid.com
After going to the Web 2.0 tools link, I found Woopid. Woopid is a tool for educators to use either for themselves or for the classroom. They are movies on how to do just about anything with your computer and for any type of operating system. I can see myself using this tool in several different ways. When trying to learn how to use a new application I tend to tinker around with it and only go to the directions when I've become stuck on how to make the program do what I want or I think, "There has to be an easier way!" With Woopid I will be able to do that quickly.
Secondly, the instructions are very basic so I would be able to use this site as a "homework helper" with some of my students. If I have taught the class how to make a video in iMovie and students are absent, instead of having to go through and reteach them during our next scheduled computer lab time, I can have the students watch the video before we go in so that I don't have to keep running over to them and take time away from the rest of the class. Also, since the format is easy to understand, I have found it's model to be one that I would like to emulate when preparing my own How-to Screenflows.
Finally, with other teachers, I can refer this site to them to use since it is free. I know that Full Sail gave us a subscription to Lynda.com to use, but many school districts won't make that purchase for their employees to access. I can also search for a video for a colleague, upload it to my social bookmarking site and then have them access it whenever they need to by going to my social bookmarks.
To visit woopid: http://www.woopid.com/
"I can also search for a video for a colleague, upload it to my social bookmarking site and then have them access it whenever they need to by going to my social bookmarks." Social networking at it's best. GREAT!