Screenshot of lesson plan from interfaceonline by Hardy Reeves
Interface Magazine Online. (2009) Retrieved November 8, 2009 from http://www.interfaceonline.co.nz/downloads/INTERFACE%20Lesson%20Plan%2042%20-%20Five%20Card%20Flickr%20Story.pdf
The lesson I was found was using the website:
The site uploads five random images, you choose one and then it will upload five more random pictures until you have five pictures total. Using these five pictures you then create a title for the picture story and a short description.
I would use this activity to have students create a full story to share with the class using the five pictures. We would start as a class activity and focus on word choice and transitions. In fifth grade, one of the concepts that I focus on is word choice especially adjectives. This lesson gives students the opportunity to work on these skills, especially since they will be working with random pictures. After we have completed the activity as a class, I would then have groups or partners complete the activity.
More free lesson plans can be found at:
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